Friday, November 29, 2019

8 Simple Steps To Help You Find a Job in 30 Days

8 Simple Steps To Help You Find a Job in 30 Days You need a new job and you need one fast. Maybe you’ve just been laid off, or quit, or you’re just starting out, or you’re doing some secret  job hunting from a position in which you’re miserable. No matter your reasons, if you follow these steps, you’ll have a great shot at scoring a new job in 30 days. 1. Make a spreadsheet.Excel is your friend in the organization game. And organization is the key to getting a job fast. Keep track of company name, position title, a link to the job posting itself, application materials, due dates, plus the date you applied, follow-up dates, and notes. If you hate Excel, try JibberJobber or Fresh Transition instead. But do keep all your details organized and easily referenced- you’ll be glad you did.2. Do your homework.Be informed- very informed- about the industry you’re applying into. Research every company and every position. Research the people who might be interviewing you and supervising you. R esearch the top people and the company’s mission. The more you know and the more prepared you are, the better you’ll do. And the more you strategize and target your applications, the more efficient your search will be.3. Budget your time.Once you have a game plan and an organizational system, you’ll want to devote time every day to your job search for 30 days. You couldn’t possibly spend all day every day on it, but even just 30 minutes of concentrated work every day will move you that much closer to the finish line.4. Dig deep.What do you actually want in a job? What have you liked and disliked about your current and former positions? Why do you want a change? Think about your values and which kind of work environments suit you best. Try to aim for places that match up with your innate talents and tastes first. You’ll be a better fit right out of the gate.5. Get social.Your promo toolbox consists of your social media platforms. Get them all up to fighting speed. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn†¦ make sure you have these accounts and that they are active and up to date. Make sure you’re using them correctly and are working consistently toward building your personal online brand.6. Network.The one step you’d probably like to avoid is probably the most important. Sometimes all the difference is made in who you know and who knows you. Think of it as initiating mutually beneficial relationships. Keep in mind what you have to offer! It’s not just a one-way street.7. Follow up.Your interviewer will likely tell you that they will be in touch with you soon. Tell them immediately how much you appreciate their taking the time to interview you and mention that you are eagerly awaiting a response. Then follow up with the same. Send a handwritten thank you note- you’d be surprised at how effective this can be! Then follow up with a phone call if you haven’t heard back in two weeks. And don’t forg et to note when and how you’ve followed up on your spreadsheet.8. Be patient.Keep looking. Keep working at it. Don’t get discouraged after a few rejections. If you’re consistent and keep honing your tools, you’ll get there.That being said, once you’ve hit all of these checkpoints, you will need to develop your resume into an excellent promotional document. Take a look at these resume hacks that will help you  turn your resume into a top notch contender, for any job. Remember, your resume is a document that sells you and your qualifications to the employer. The more effort you put into it, the better off you’ll be.

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